Cliff House Project
A Program of Western Neighborhoods Project


Saloon Stereoview
Courtesy of Glenn Koch


This is believed to be the Cliff House saloon in 1888.  Evidence is presented below.

left frame



Exhibit A:  Adolph Sutro portrait on wall

Photo on saloon wall

Adolph Sutro reference photo



Exhibit B:  Individual appears to be James Wilkins

Man in saloon photo

Man in South Sea Islander photo

James Wilkins, reference photo
(more info)


1) Both photographs are attributed to A. J. McDonald
2) Both photos include the same individual, likely James Wilkins



Exhibit C:  Architectural Consistencies to Known Cliff House Photographs

1868 Cliff House, reconstructed floor plan, street level



Doors in mirror consistent with doors in exterior photo



Reflected door in saloon consistent in design with restaurant door in the "Islanders" photo (inset panels, arched glass windows)



Door in Islander photo leads to "SALOON"





San Francisco Chronicle - Oct 29 1884


The San Francisco Examiner - Nov 27 1884


The San Francisco Examiner - Jan 26 1887
"Bernard Meyer, a barkeeper at the Cliff House"


San Francisco Chronicle - Nov 15 1890
William Armitage, Artist, dies at Cliff House
More on William Armitage: